Sunday, July 19, 2015


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Can someone tell me why this guy isn't going to jail:

Homeland Security Pimp Wanted List -

Crimestoppers List -

US Counter Animal Trafficking Team List

ICE Most wanted -

Immigration List

FBI Wanted List - Does anyone know what they're talking about on this link?  Sounds like someone is on the lam to me.  Pay Roll?  Here's another link about this guy -

By the way - why are the only people on the FBI list non-white?  It's clearly because they're not arresting any pimps who aren't black or hispanic.  They exist so what's the problem here?

Do you want to catch a pimp?  It's not hard at all.  I've been doing it for 30 years now.  You can get an audience with one by telling them you're another madam (if you're female) and you want to talk to them about a project you have coming up where you need more women.  Like a big bachelor party or to celebrate a movie that's finished filming, or some big director's birthday (granted I'm in California but you can modify what I've done).

Another way now we have the internet is easy.  I was doing freelance graphic design work when my daughter was sick for a while.  I got a call to come help this website that had just opened up build their website and social media.  They had these women who were locked up in this house in Russia who didn't speak any English.  These pimps were drugging them, and forcing them to not leave their rooms with the camera on them 24/7.

The customers never knew it because they hired people to speak English for the models to the customer on social media.  What they would do is create a fake profile of a pretty girl.  There were these porn sites where you could get stock photos of women without paying a royalty or needing a release.  If they were pretending to be a specific model - then they'd use her stock photos to create a profile.  But then they'd create a fake profile for them on like yahoo.  Once they went into chat rooms - the guys would think they were real like in "catfish".  Then it would be the man at the marketing company talking to them not the models from Russia. 

Now I've talked about how in this case I was able to find out the address of that house and we got those women out of there on another part of this blog  But my point being it was amazing to me to see how these men always assumed the words weren't lining up with her mouth because of it being on the computer.  They also never seemed to realize it was a man talking behind that profile.  I also noticed that when these marketing people were pretending to be these beautiful girls - I also saw pimps talking to them trying to lure them out.

So one night I tried it out.  I went to the profile of a guy who clearly looked like a pimp online with a fake profile.  Started talking to him and sure enough - he bought it.  Then his "bottom bitch" comes online starting to talk about how good it is to work for this guy, and how we should meet.  One time when I refused to meet them (I was just testing the idea out), they started threatening me "you'd better hope we don't see you out on the strip" kind of thing.

These street pimps are pretty dumb.  They wouldn't even think someone would catfish them.  So you want to catch a pimp?  You can do what I suggested to Chris Hanson before he did "to catch a predator" and you can set up a phony profile as a woman on social media and they will come talk to you.  But be aware of one thing - I've had some nosy "busy bodies" who don't understand that I often will use ninja tactics to catch a pimp or to free a sex trafficking victim and they accuse me of "being a pimp" or of "being dangerous" because they have nothing to do it seems but to follow my IP address and activity.  Then they see me do this kind of thing and think I'm being serious despite the fact I've told everyone I don't have current photos of me online because I do undercover work all the time.  So be aware you might have idiots think you're really talking to these pimps - but who cares about someone stupid enough to think you're doing this for real right? 

But I would not advise you do this without partnering with a police officer.  That way when this guy starts propositioning you - they can take the evidence and go arrest them.  Don't do this for fun in other words.  But you can engage a pimp in a conversation with you easily by pretending to be a young pretty blond on social media.  If you need to talk to him by voice - you will need to have a female voice which luckily I do.  If he asks me to webcam I say my camera isn't working.  Since he's hearing my voice and doesn't want to let a pretty blond fish go (in his mind because of your stock photos) - he won't let go.  When he switches over to having the girl talk for him though - that's when she's about to say what's illegal.  So you need to insist you'll only talk to him. 

Good luck with your fishing!

1 comment:

  1. This may be of help.In eagle rock Calif. area there is a blond haired green eyed negro pimp.He appears to be a affluent white male but he lures young girls to a place where they are tortured, drugged and threatened."dori"is responsible for turning out many young girls in the Pasadena /highland Park/eagle rock area.He is assisted by"Matt" an ex major league baseball player who is known to beat women severlywith a bat.A prostitute "Celeste is in charge of securing girls for this gang also.Please feel free to use this info in anyway if needed and I want you to know there are unseen soldiers on your side.I am an ex-con with a daughter and I have spread the hate of these pimps in and out of prison. Live by the sword die by the sword.
